I have always desired to stop by a Barbie show ever since I learned how to restore rooted hair. I got my chance near Atlanta last weekend!
I know, I know... this is Action Figure Almanac, but as I have said in a previous post, Barbie is the best 1/6 companion to G.I. Joe. Also, if you manage to make it to the end of this post, you will see exactly why these shows are worth a stop for 1/6 action figure collectors!
The Atlanta Doll Collectors Show took place on May 21, 2022 at the Hilton Doubletree in Tucker, GA! |
Admission was only $5 ($4 with the flyer), and they had these nice kente dresses donated for door prizes! |
The show was located in a lobby along with the hotel showroom! |
The dealers had majority Barbie products both vintage and modern, new and used. They also had other types of dolls like antique and porcelain which I have absolutely no knowledge of. |
Here was a dealer with MIB Barbies. They were decently priced, but I was looking more for used dolls to kitbash with. |
Some dealers had miscellaneous 1/6 accessories such as shoes, bling, and food. These are great to pick up at these shows, because they can be unnecessarily pricey on the Internet. |
Fellow Barbie customizer and friend, Trice, sold me this broken Power Team figure for next to nothing! She is actually the reason I heard about the show; check out her awesome stuff here! |
Apparently, there was a big diorama put up later in the day, but this doll house was the closest thing to a diorama I saw. It would have been cool to see like a big beach or mall setup full of fun custom dolls! |
Fellow Joe kitbasher EJ White of JoeLanta had a table there! Of course I dug through his bins and found some bargains on used Joes! |
I did not figure this out until I had already left, but the awesome table above is from LayleeMDollClothes! She specializes in kente outfits for both Barbie and Ken! |
I wished I had taken the time to tell her who I was! Several years ago, she actually made the outfit for the first award winning figure I put together before I knew how to sew! She's very nice and makes super cool art; I highly suggest picking up some of her stuff! |
This was my haul from the show! Notice the action figures and the superposable Ken. My deal of the day was the 1960's blond G.I. Joe I got for $5! I spent less then $50 on the whole show, and that included my admission! |
The Atlanta Doll Show was definitely no action figure show, but I did not expect it to be.
The general rule is that you get the best deals on toys that are not emphasized at a specific show.
I came to this convention looking for bargains on action figures, and that is exactly what I found. I even found bargains on Barbies too. This show had nice people, cool stuff, and good deals. I would highly suggest it to anyone who customizes 1/6 figures/dolls. If I am not busy during next year's show, I will be sure to make another appearance!
It was great seeing u again Chuck!!!! 💓 thanks for the shout out! Next time u gotta get a table fam!