Combat Claus G.I. Joe Action Shots!

In the spirit of Christmas, here are some action shots of my Combat Claus G.I. Joe figure in the snow!

You better not be on his naughty list!

These photos were shot in single digit degree temperatures during a snowy winter in the Ozarks of Missouri! It was very cold, but the timing could not be any more perfect!

The figure is actually a 100% custom Cotswold figure with Jake head. The beard is rooted by me. The duffel bag came from the 90's G.I. Joe "Home for the Holidays" figure.

As a bonus, here are some behind-the-scenes photos of the rooting of the figure!

Outline of the rooted beard.

"Prepoking" of the beard.

Finished rooted beard before boil perm. Find out more about rooting figures here!

I do not know why I took a liking to the Claus camo outfit, but it really triggered me to want my own rooted 1/6 Santa figure. I rather like the way he turned out!

Merry Christmas!



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