I recently stopped into one of the coolest action figure shops in the New England area, Comicazi!
See what this phenomenal toy store has to offer below!
Comicazi is located in Sommerville, MA, about a 20 minute train ride from Boston. |
Inside are about 3 large rooms stuffed with all sorts of new/used toys! |
They had many cabinets filled with loose toys such as these miscellaneous Kaiju figure; some of these are Japanese and others are American. |
The top shelves were jammed packed with all sorts of odd toys as well! |
Here is a variety of newer and older Megos! |
This is a cabinet of high end 1/6 characters. I like some of those Dr. Evils floating around toward the bottom! |
One cabinet was dedicated to Joe stuff. That in-box Bulletman in the back really caught my eye! |
The back room was stuffed with goodies as well! On that table were some specialty 1/6 figures that an employee was appraising. I asked about them, and apparently, 1/6 toys move slowly! |
Toward the top were some character Barbie sets! |
The floors of the backroom were lined up with cheaper bagged Marvel Legends! If I did not already have all of these, I would have feasted! |
I had never seen a store sell loose Star Wars ships like this, but if it works, it works! |
These are the early 2000's Diamond Select Star Trek TOS figures! They were pretty good for the time, but their current aftermarket prices stop me from wanting to pursue this dead line. |
Comicazi carried many obscure lines like these Space 1999 Mego figures and 8-inch American Frontier figures too! |
It was really cool to see the awesome 1:18 Vitruvian H.A.C.K.S. in retail! If these were on more shelves, I probably would have gotten into them years ago! |
They had a cabinet of Lego minifigures too, but many of the cooler ones had a sneaky higher price tag. |
I forgot to take a photo, but Comicazi had a bunch of loose, bagged Classic Collection G.I. Joes for about $10 each. I spent like $50 and got a ton of rare modern Joe stuff that apparently consumers in Boston do not care for! Overall, Comicazi is a really cool store with lots of rare toys and mostly fair prices!
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