ToyLanta 2022: The Maker's Space!

This was the second year that ToyLanta* hosted a Maker's Space! Thankfully, the show was better attended so the room was more lively and had more creators! This year, I also had the flattering honor to have a table presenting my craft as well!

Enjoy the CREATIVITY below!!!

The ToyLanta Maker's Space was located on the bottom floor of the convention. It housed a plethora of creators working on various arts, mostly related to action figures!

Steve Bugg is a longtime coordinator for ToyLanta and was the gentleman that invited me to present a table at the show! I was ecstatic after that call!

Toniet Gallego is a make-up artist, wardrobe specialist, and fellow action figure customizer! She works on all aspects of the figure, ranging from painting, applying hair, and even sewing clothes! She told me the best deal on special hobby brushes are found in the makeup aisle and showed me all sorts of fun tricks! You can find more of her work on Instagram @toniet.gallego.designs.

Sawyer Gosnell works at Reynolds Advanced Materials and is a resin casting specialist! He showed me some casting techniques and answered many of my questions on resin curing and materials! I have bought from Reynolds before, and they are super helpful about selling the perfect resin for your oddball project!

Longtime ToyLanta contributor, Clay Sayre, was creating a diorama for 8-inch Planet of the Apes Megos! He always has insightful information to share!

This was my table! I was demonstrating hair rooting and sewing for Joes! I had a blast sharing the hobby with passersby! Quint from Jaws was actually my top conversation piece! (Note: I only made SOME of the costumes shown, but I am responsible for ALL of the rooted hair!)

Here was a snapshot of the ToyLanta webpage for the 2022 Maker Space contributors. I was very flattered to be listed among these action figure masters!

Not only did ToyLanta let me have a table, they also asked me to give a seminar on action figure restoration/customization! They let me have a slot on Saturday afternoon!

Here was my presentation table! I wanted to show my audience they did not have to be a hotshot seamster to customize a figure! I also emphasized that with a little bit of effort (and love), used figures can be restored for a new life of play!

Longtime ToyLanta coordinator, Mark McGinnis, worked on the conventions's website and admission! He asked me to help make a 1/6 Moroccan Goumier robe, worn by French Moroccan soldiers in WWII. I whipped up a prototype for him and let him have the pattern to practice making them himself!

It has always been my dream to have a table at my favorite convention and share something about the action figure hobby! I hope the Maker's Space really contributed to the visitor experience of the show. I also hope I left a good impression on those interested in my table! If you have any questions about any of the grooviness above, please leave a comment or shoot me a message!

For coverage of the ToyLanta 2022 convention, click here!

For coverage of my ToyLanta 2022 custom figure entries, click here!

*This article was formerly called ToyLanta 2022: The Maker's Space! Because of the new 2022 sister show addition of JoeLanta in the Fall, I will call this convention by its proper show title, ToyLanta.



  1. Thank you for joining us this year, and we hope you join us again next year!


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