The Evolution of the Cotswold Caucasian Body!

Customizing vintage style G.I. Joes can be a real hassle sometimes! Bodies break, and you need replacements! Cotswold Collectibles has been making vintage style Joe replacement bodies for decades, but the Caucasian skin tone has varied throughout the years...

Here is a visual guide to the different Cotswold Caucasian bodies I have acquired!

Skin tones:

  • Pale
  • Fair
  • Mustard
  • Tan
  • Pink


This was the very first body Cotswold made for vintage Joe replacement parts. It matches perfectly with the first edition Cotswold heads and pale Asian heads. I do not own any, but I have also seen 60's painted hair Joe heads that match this body well.


I do not know exactly when this body was produced (I'm thinking mid-2010's), but I only own a few. It is my favorite, because it has the least contrast when paired with any head. This body works best with G.I. Joe Timeless Collection, 70's Adventure Team era, some 60's painted hair Joes, and Cotswold heads produced concurrently with this body.


This has always been an off color to me that does not have a great coordinating chest. I think it may be Cotswold leftover/forgotten stock, but this was the skin tone I received from an order a few months ago. There are only a few coordinating mustard heads that pair ideally with it. If you happen to stumble upon these few heads, use this body.


This is the tan body that was made in the 2000's. I believe Cotswold was trying really hard to differentiate their product from Hasbro's thus producing this tan skin tone. It pairs well with tan Cotswold heads, 40th style Joes, and some of the odd, almost grey Cotswold heads that pop up here and there.


This is technically a Gearbox Action Figures body, but I considered the two lines the same. These bodies were made in the 2000's and they pair great with vintage Action Man, 40th Action Man, some 60's painted hair Joes, and G.I.Joe Masterpiece book figures.


In short, matching heads to their ideal skin tones is no easy feat. I still possess many figures that settle for the next best body. Unfortunately, many of these variants are out of production. It is the constant Joe customizer struggle, but maybe this guide can help sort your figures out for the best. There are also numerous other unmentioned heads that pair great on these bodies, but hopefully my visuals and comparisons are enough for you to form your own sound judgement. Perhaps one day, Cotswold will manufacture different shades of Caucasian concurrently for our ideal projects and repairs!




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